From here on...

Promotional Items

 I have listed different items from my collection such as Keyrings, Magnet sets  etc.

As you can see, there is always building at home...

Tekstboks: Other Items
Tekstboks: Magnet Sets
Tekstboks: Other items:

8144-Ferrari 248, F1 Team


Year: 2007                Pieces: 726

8142-Ferrari 248 F1, 1:24


Year: 2007           Pieces: 167

7415– Aero Nomad


Year: 2003 Pieces: 118



Year: 2007                     Pieces: 40

8737-Toa Hordika Nokama


Year: 2005                  Pieces: 48

8757-Visorak Battle Ram


Year: 2005                                           Pieces: 189

8131-Raceway Rider


Year: 2007                      Pieces:51

6945-Bad Guy 07


Year: 2007                       Pieces: 26

4891-City Haulers


Year: 2006             Pieces: 209

4915-Mini Construction


Year: 2007             Pieces: 68

4837-Mini Train


Year: 2008                      Pieces: 73

10184-Town Plan


Year: 2008                                           Pieces: 1981

5522-Golden Anniversary Set


Year: 2008                      Pieces: 700

10189-Taj Mahal


Released in 2008 and supersedes the 10179-Millenium Falcon with its 5195 pieces from 2007 as the largest set ever produced with its 5922 pieces.

Tekstboks: This page comprises of 51 items and 35 sets or 20209 pieces!

8956-Stone Chopper


Year: 2009                      Pieces: 31



Year: 2000                                           Pieces: 1849

852744-LEGO Ornaments


Year: 2009                                          Pieces: 67

10199-Winter Toy Shop

Year: 2009                                          Pieces: 815

LEGO Torch & LEGO Lantern

LEGO Magnets with Star Wars Mini-figures each with 28 pieces



LEGO Ruler

LEGO Book Ends

LEGO Bricky Sticky Notes

LEGO Dragon Ollie with certificate of authenticity.

10285-Green grocer      Pieces 2352           2008

10211-Grand Emporium     Pieces 2182           2010

10197-FireBrigade 2231 pcs. 2009